Interventions for congenital talipes equinovarus (clubfoot).

Interventions for congenital talipes equinovarus (clubfoot).
Gray K, Pacey V, Gibbons P, Little D, Frost C, Burns J.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Apr 18;4:CD008602.

Congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV), which is also…Click to expand…

Interventions for congenital talipes equinovarus (clubfoot).

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Bumps on toes

I’ve had these small bumps on two of my toes for a few months now. It started with one, and overtime two more have shown up. At first it wasn’t a big deal, and I assumed they’d go away in time but recently they’ve started to hurt when I walk on them. Any idea of what they are or how to get rid of them?


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Small hole on bottom of foot

I have a small hole on the bottom of my foot…somewhat in the arch of my foot. It’s not an open wound, more like a crater about half the size of a BB. Inside the crater a hard core will form in a matter of a week or two. It is white-yellow in color. It doesn’t cause me any pain but it starts to feel like something is stuck to the bottom of my foot, more annoying than anything. Once every two weeks I will dig out the core. I’ve had it so long I’m not sure when I got

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After bunion surgery

2 1/2 years ago i had a bunion removed from both big toes and a titanium plate put in because i had no cartlidge left. After first year my big toes are sticking up and the two toes next to big one have started to separate, little motion 85% pain gone i was told all the pain would no be gone but better, that’s what i have, my question is: why are my big toes sticking up, this is making me walk a little on the side of my feet. Do you also know how i can correct this?

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Help: Tiny Small Bumps Located On Sole Of Feet and Side of Pinky & Big Toe

So about two days ago, I begun to noticed a couple of tiny dots appear on the pressure points of my left foot (side of big toe and pinky toe, ball of foot, on the bottom the big toe, and the back of the heel).

I’m not sure what it is, but it feels like “pins and needles” when I walk on it. The one on my pinky toe is biggest and the most painful.

I sterilized a needle to pierced most of them and there were no fluids inside. I can’t pierce the one on the pinky toe though,

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Unbelievable sharp/electric pain on lateral foot + little toe


4 days ago I noticed that, after standing all day watching surgery, I had a quick twinge of pain in my little toe, no big deal.

Well, for the last 3 days I have been having intermittent stabbing pain, easily 9/10 level of pain, localized to the lateral side of my right foot and little toe. The pain is deeper than the skin, and feels like a (terrible) shock of electricity. The pain seems to lie along the S1 dermatome. Motor function, and sensation to my little toe are NOT impaired….

Unbelievable sharp/electric pain on lateral foot + little toe

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Wondering what these itchy bumps are

these bumps appeared several months ago and are quite itchy. Any ideas what it could be?

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Search Engine Popularity of Different Running Shoes Brands

Its that time of the year again. I did this in December 2013,2014 and 2015. These figures are the estimated Google search volume per month for the last 12 months for each brand appended with the words ‘running shoes’. Please read the disclaimer below. As with the 2013 and 2014 posts, there are some disclaimers: […]

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Yet again, more of the same …

…I not too well today and do not have the energy to do a detailed analysis, so will not comment much on this new paper just published. I have litigated the issues previously in this post on Running Economy and Foot Strike Pattern. Joint stiffness and running economy during imposed forefoot strike before and after […]

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Failure to diagnose 10+ years chronic heel pain right foot

32 year-old M 5’11 168lbs, athletic (18% BMI), no history of illness, (pain limits mobility and causes gait/stride issues that now affect knee and left lower back) 1. Where does it hurt?

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Failure to diagnose 10+ years chronic heel pain right foot

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