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- Failure to diagnose 10+ years chronic heel pain right foot
- Help: Tiny Small Bumps Located On Sole Of Feet and Side of Pinky & Big Toe
- Help: Tiny Small Bumps Located On Sole Of Feet and Side of Pinky & Big Toe
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- Bumps on toes
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- Failure to diagnose 10+ years chronic heel pain right foot
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Tag Archives: ask your questions here
Small black lump on toe
Hello there, earlier today I discovered a small black lump on my Big toe. Continue reading
What is this?
Hello all, Can you help me? What is this on my foot, and how do I get rid of it? Continue reading
big toe proximal phalanges break into pieces
31st JUL 15 I fall down to a cable trench with no awareness, my right foot big toe proximal phalanges broken, the force damaged the bone seems was transferred by my distal phalanges, the distal became a lever to pull and raise the proximal, that make the front side of proximal phalanges broken and separate to three piece and raised obviously. it happened two weeks ago, it hurt for two days and come to peace, when i come back to Xiangkhuang hospital Laos and take X-ray the second time, this time the guy is elder he understand what i means and X-ray from another side, until then i acknowledged how the proximal comes to be. i check but no found anyone fracture the same place.. Continue reading
Nerve Damage – Fat Pad Atrophy from cortisone injection
Lightbulb Fat Pat Atrophy / Nerve Damage from cortisone injection Over the last couple of years, I’ve had many things done to my foot b/c of a neuroma. After trying everything under the sun, including alcohol injections, radio-frequency abulation, & cortisone injections, I had a neuromectomy in July 2014. A year later (June 2015), i was still experiencing pain (although different than the original pain), so I went back to the surgeon. Continue reading
Fat Pat Atrophy / Nerve Damage from cortisone injection
Over the last couple of years, I’ve had many things done to my foot b/c of a neuroma. Continue reading
Swelling on the left side of my foot
Hello forum! Here is what happened. I jog frequently. Continue reading
5th metatarsal fracture healing steps
hi I fractured my 5th metatarsal 4 weeks ago while running..i was in a fiberglass cast for 3 weeks nwb…..then cast removed and another x-ray ortho said shows healing but said it turned out my 4th metatarsal also fractured but it was an old fracture that was already healing…so he decided to give me an ugly thick soled shoe to wear and told me to gradually bear more and more weight every week for 6 weeks till I see him again…he said I should be at full weight bearing and wearing regular shoes by the time I see him…well I have been doing what he says but this week I added more weight and felt pretty good not even needing the crutches had lil pain more like just a weird feeling I guess cause I haven’t used my foot and leg for a month.. well I walked half the day without crutches….then at night suddenly my calf was throbbing….foot hurt a bit but just felt like it has always felt the pain was more in my calf it feels like a muscle tear or tightness..i assumed it was from not using my leg in so long…so today it still hurts I been stretching it and doing exercises but still hurts and my foot is a lil painful…so now im back on my crutches…ughhh when I feel like my healing is progressing now im being put a step back….I don’t know if I should try putting weight on it again or not Continue reading
Can anyone tell me what this is?
What are those small things under the foot? How can I get it off? Continue reading
My Toes!
I just started to crack my toes this week, on both feet my smallest toe began to rip like a minor cut it healed, now the toe right next to it also has a cut. Is it because while im cracking my toes im stretching the skin and my toes and their not used to it? And what can i do to heal my toes it hurts when i step please help im 15 Continue reading
Please help me with my pain. (Picture)
Hello! First i want to apologize if my grammar isnt appropiate (english is no my native language) So i have this accute pain located in the upper area like in the metatarsus. It hurts when i push my finger with pressure in the area right away and it hurts when i walk…. Continue reading